Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Damn, this is awkward. Grampa and I just spent two of your weeks waiting to find out how the author intends to get us out of this cell alive. Today, he tells us to just chill. Seems he's having trouble with my point-of-view, that there's stuff happened and happening that you readers should already know about, except you don't because the author neglected to tell you. Apparently, Grampa and I have to sit here doing nothing until the author harvests the fruit of his neglect and concocts something worth reading. 

If I weren't fifteen centuries and a gazillion kilometers away, I'd cut off his air and tell him he could breathe again when he posts the next installment of our he said he was going too. Or pack a cylinder of BLAST between his ears and set the timer for midnight. That would motivate him, I'm betting, and I'm betting you think so too.

Well, now he's asking me to ask all of you readers to just be patient for a bit longer. Well, I'm not really in the mood for that, so what say we all go over to a gaming site and shoot some bad guys? I think there's one called "Tardy Author's DEADline" that will let us blow off some steam.

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Garrett Cold

(author's reply: I'll have the next installment up in time for Garrett's Birthday, June 1...)

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